Julia Thorn's Thank YOU!
Thank you for electing Julia Yamaoka Thorn as the North Carolina Retired School Personnel State Secretary for 2024-2026! I won't let you down!
We did it!
Julia Yamaoka Thorn
- Impossible only means a solution hasn't been found yet.
NCRSP.ORG Website. Took the initiative to create a new NCRSP website and get it approved.
NCRSP Choir. Took the initiative to organize an NCRSP Choir. It's been many years since we had one, but what one human can do, another can do it again.
BACKGROUND. Born 1952, re-born 1997, Japanese-American. Stanford BA, Honors, MA. Northwestern Speech Fellow. ECU MSA. NBPTS. Licensed: NC, WA, CA, HI, Japan.
EXPERIENCE. “For 41 of my 52 work years, I taught in five states, two continents, two languages, but also have secretarial experience as a paralegal for two law firms where accuracy, thoroughness, and timeliness matter.” Staff trainer. Currently CCRSP and DKG president. Served military wives, advisory, church, domestic violence fundraisers (survivor), MIA-POW.
RECOGNITIONS. CCRSP’s Member of the Year. Region 7B Volunteer of the Year, twice. Medicaid Caseworker of the Year. Rotary Harris Award, twice. LWV Distinguished Woman. Teacher of the Year Southeast Finalist. Taught parliamentary procedure in legislative debate, student council, Rotary Interact, High SAT.
GOAL. Produce accurate, thorough, timely records and minutes.
“I am a high energy quick learner and humble hard worker. I never say, ‘That's not my job.’ Your vote will be a dream-come-true blessing.”
Dear NCRSP Member,
I hope to give you an idea of who I am. I will be 72 years old in April. I was saved in August 1997 and baptized in November 1997. God has made me driven, diligent, and determined with a heart conviction to serve as your NCRSP secretary.
In my 52 years of work, I've taught in five states, two continents, but also have secretarial experience. I served as a paralegal for two law firms where accuracy and thoroughness and timeliness matters! The NC DSS chose me as Medicaid Caseworker of the Year for my speed, accuracy, and positive attitude in processing benefits. LWV chose me as Distinguished Woman in Education. In retirement, I became NCRSP Region 7B Volunteer of the Year for two separate years, and CCRSP Member of the Year, later serving as president of CCRSP and DKG Key Women Educators.
I know what it means to be the underdog coming from the poorest high school in a California town yet prevailing as the class valedictorian and getting to Stanford University. My parents, who survived WWII internment camps and ran a mom-and-pop store, were unable to pay for tuition but drive, diligence, and determination won the prize of education. Stamina, mental toughness, and an enduring faith that the “impossible” can be accomplished make me who I am today –a woman of faith ready to serve.
Success has been my experience through help, love, and prayer. I have taught on two continents in English and Japanese, and served as a translator for my LEA. I have taught students in kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, and college. Northwestern University chose me as one of ten speech and debate teachers nationally for its Graduate Speech Fellowship. I brought student congress to Hawaii. I began a speech and debate team from the ground up in the lowest wealth school in my LEA and made them national champions with two national titles.
What sets me apart is that I keep learning. I've acquired Microsoft skills and graphic art know-hows. I keep learning and searching for how to make things BETTER, more accurate, more thorough. Look at the minutes and newsletters I've edited. In preparation for more information sharing, I seek and learn more tech apps to improve communication. I make YouTubes of my meetings and post them for my members. My newsletters and minutes are full of URLS and doorways into more information to give my members of any organization the best.
When my biennium as CCRSP President ends and the new 2024-2026 biennium begins, I'd like to continue to serve you as NCRSP's state secretary. My goal is to record thorough, accurate minutes efficiently for the historic and exciting work NCRSP does for us all!
Realizing that we all stand on the shoulders of the heroes and heroines who have gone before us, I humbly ask that you allow me to record and publish the minutes of NCRSP's historic meetings in 2023-2024. The Carteret members have seen my work in this website I made, in the hard copy mailings I send to members who do not use email, in my emails and letters and cards, and in my meeting agendas, minutes, and newsletter illustrations to inform everyone with anything anyone might care to know, because, in the words of our former Region 7B director Cathy Neagle,
Together We are Strong!
Thank you to my supporters who endorsed Julia Yamaoka Thorn for NCRSP Secretary:
❖ NCRSP and former NC State Senator President Linda Gunter ❖ NCRSP Communications Chair Gretchen Lampe ❖ Past President Dr. Willie T. Ramey, III ❖ The Wake County RSP ❖ Region 7B Onslow County RSP and former NC State Senator Kever Clark ❖ NCRSP Legislative Committee Member and Region 1B Legislative Chair Betsy Wells ❖ Region 7A Legislative Chair and Past NCRSP State Secretary Dorsey Harris ❖ Past NCRSP Secretary Dorothy Hardy ❖ NCRSP Communications Chair Gretchen Lampe ❖ PAC Chair, Region 6B Director, and New Hanover County President Barbara Anderson ❖ Region 1A Director and Buncombe County RSP President June Pearson ❖ Past Region 7B Director Jackie Green ❖ Past Region 7B Director and current Co-Communications Chair Sheila Mendoza ❖ Past Region 7B Director Cathy Neagle ❖ Region 7B Director Dr. Oliver Johnson, Region 7B Associate Director and Pitt County RSP President Dr. Wanda Dawson ❖ Region 7B Legislative Chair Jackie Wooten ❖ NCRSP State Quality of Life Chair LaVeta Wetherington ❖ Region 7B Secretary and Co-Communications Chair and Carteret County RSP Media and Communications Chair June Merrill ❖ Membership Chair and Wayne County RSP President Kathy Drew ❖ Region 7B Hospitality Chair and Lenoir County RSP President Marva Brown ❖ Region 7B Community Service Chair Cynthia Heath ❖ Craven County RSP President P. Ann Herndon ❖ Reater Warren ❖ Region 7B ❖ Carteret County RSP ❖ And notable others who wish to remain anonymous

Please click on the upper right corner of image to download a printable brochure for Julia Thorn for NCRSP Secretary
"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly." –Langston Hughes.